Cookies Policy

Through Cookie technology or IP tracking, can access other information about you (“Non-Specific Information”). To date, the Non-Specific Information we collect consists of information about the browser you are using, the type of computer, your operating systems, your Internet service providers, the pages you visit, and other similar information. This way, we can understand which areas of our sites are preferred by our users, which areas need improvement, and what technology is being used to continually enhance the services provided on our site.

Eventually, Guayatex may associate your Personal Information with “Non-Specific Information” or aggregate Personal Information or “Non-Specific Information” from different users to generate statistical information as long as the user’s identity is not disclosed.

The Non-Specific Information is used solely by Guayatex to continually improve the site. Eventually, we may disclose statistical information without user identification, but under no circumstances do we disclose your Personal Information to third parties.

Your browser, like others, may be set to accept Cookies. In such a case, if you do not wish to provide “Non-Specific Information,” you can set your browser to reject Cookies or to alert you when a site is attempting to send you Cookies.